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Rules & Instructions
This is how you play:

First off, you must go to "Your Home Town". Read "How to make a description" for further instructions.

Next, you must wait to be approved. Once you are, an Referee will post in your thread.

After approval, you must go to "The Lab". Read "Your First Pokemon?" for futher instruction.

Now, for travel:

In order to conquer an area, you must have three events happen to you. After that, you only need one event to happen before you may pass the area.
-An Event is when something happens to you. In order to trigger one (Yes, YOU must trigger it!), you must make your post go into this format, or something similar: ...Then ___ noticed something, and approached it... or Then ___ saw something moving...
A Referee will then decide what happened. You cannot do something such as: Then ___ saw a shadow. They approached it, partly because it looked like it may be a ___
That is known as controlling, and, if you do so, then a Referee may decide to mess with your head, by doing something such as having it as a ruse in order to allow a Rattata to steal something from you, having it be exactly what you saw, but at an outrageous level, etc.

You may not:

* Jump Routes (E.G. You can go to route 2 from route 1 (You may skip cities), but you may not go to route 1 to route 3, even after clearing)
* Control events
* Skip cities with a gym (Excluding Viridian, unless you have 7 badges) (Cities you received a badge in already can be skipped)

If you come across an area that has brackets in it (E.G. Route 2 (South)), Then it counts as a separate area. If you come across an area that has colons, then a name (E.G. Mt. Moon: Super Nerd John), then it is a battle. You cannot skip these battles, and they count as a seperate area. You DON'T have to go through 3 events though (Unless Stated). Instead, you just face them once, and your done!

Now onto battles. Here is a sample battle, with explanations (Explanations are in brackets):

Mod: A level 3 Pidgey appeared!

(This is one response you may get when traveling)

Round 1: Fight!

The Trainers Charmander got ready to battle. "Use Scratch!" The trainer commanded his Charmander. It readily accepted, clawing the Pidgey...

Charmander Lv:5 HP: 100%
Pidgey Lv:3 HP: 100%

(A Mod may decide to have the Pokemon surprise attack you)


Round 2: Fight! (A round involves one Pokemon moving. A turn is equivalent two 2-4 rounds, depending on if it's a single battle or not)

The Pidgey expertly dodged the attack. It then flew into the grass, and hid

Charmander Lv:5 Male HP: 100%
Pidgey Lv:3 Female HP: 100% Hiding

(Status Conditions are placed after the HP)


Round 3: Capture!

The Trainer decided enough was enough, and threw a Pokeball. He just hoped that it would work...

Charmander Lv:5 Male HP: 100%
Pidgey Lv:3 Female HP: 100% Hiding

Then the Referee posts whether or not it worked. You can also knock out Pokemon. With trainer battles, the next Pokemon will be sent out. The Referee will also decide if your Pokemon has leveled up or not.

In the case of it being a trainer battle, the set-up will look like this:
o = Still In
S = Status Ailment
- = No Pokemon
X = Knocked out

oo---- (Your Lineup)
Charmander Lv:5 Male HP: 100%

oSSX-- (Your opponent's Line-up)
Pidgey Lv:3 Female HP: 100% Hiding

If you are an Referee, and you are in an event, then another Referee will decide what will happen next...

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